LOGOS is all about our KIDS!
We have tons of fun, sharing time with each other and SPENDING time with God. Our r program provides PLENTY for our kids and adults...praying time, playing time, and eating time! Wow!
By following the LOGOS tradition, we have created a loving, Christian atmosphere where the children will be taught the #1 (and only) rule of LOGOS:
Everyone is to treat everyone else as a Child of God. No one has the right to treat anyone else as if he/she does not matter.
LOGOS is divided into four parts; each is equally important and all are loved!
We sing "Sanctuary" every Wednesday to signal the end of LOGOS...the words are:
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary Pure and holy, tried and true With thanksgiving, I'll be a living Sanctuary for You. Lord, teach your children to stop the fighting, Start uniting, all as one. Let's get together, loving forever, A sanctuary for You.
To receive more information about enrolling your child in this year's LOGOS program, call the church at 877-2216. Bring your kids and get started on the path to teaching your children about God's love and how we are all HIS children, loved and capable of loving others HIS way!